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Pearson BTEC Level 3 Engineering with Agriculture

Level 3
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The BTEC Engineering with Agriculture is a full-time programme of study designed to equip learners with the knowledge and understanding required for success in a range of engineering or agricultural occupations. The qualification is also suitable for learners who have not yet decided on a particular technical specialism and who wish to gain a broader understanding of engineering and agriculture. Students will complete a Level 3 Diploma in Engineering (2 A Levels) plus a Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Agriculture (1 A Level).

Students will gain a foundation in the core disciplines of mechanical and electrical engineering as well as providing an introduction to the skills required for a career in agriculture. College facilities are utilised to support project-based learning, including the Idea Centre in the Omagh Campus with 3D printers and the latest prototyping technology. Students will gain an understanding of industry standard equipment through exposure to our fully equipped Robotics and Hydraulics/Pneumatics Workshops.

Learners will also take part in our Career Builder programme to help prepare them for employment. This will include a period of work experience and additional activities to improve your problem solving and practical skills.

Optional modules are subject to change.

Year One

  • Engineering Principles - Learners apply mathematical principles to solve electrical-, electronic- and mechanical-based engineering problems. Assessed via externally set examination.
  • Delivery of Engineering Processes Safely as a Team - Prepares you for safe working in an advanced manufacturing setting by understanding the legislation, hazards and risks and required measures used to control.
  • Applied Commercial and Quality Principles in Engineering - Learners explore commercial engineering, for example, cost control, quality systems and value management, which is used by engineering organisations to create value.
  • A Specialist Engineering Project - This unit will allow you to plan, monitor and implement a real life project based on industrial based product, service or process or a modification and present the outcomes.
  • Engineering Product Design and Manufacture - Learners will explore engineering product design and manufacturing processes and will complete activities that consider function, sustainability, materials, form and other factors.
  • Applied Agricultural Farming Practice - Learners develop knowledge and skills relating to crop production and farm livestock systems in order to develop a farm management plan.
  • Professional Working Responsibilities - Learners study professional responsible working practices with a focus on ensuring health and safety, well being, resource management and waste management in the land-based sectors.
  • Work Experience in the Land-based Sectors - Learners research work opportunities in the land-based sectors and the skills needed to attain them, developing communication and employability skills through study and work experience.
  • Land-based Machinery Operations - Learners develop skills in the safe operation of machines used in the land-based sectors, including carrying out pre-start checks, basic maintenance and repair, and actual operation.
  • Welding Technology - Learners examine the principles and technology used in common welding processes and produce welded joints in differing materials and welding positions.
  • Computer Aided Design in Engineering - Learners develop two-dimensional (2D) detailed drawings and three-dimensional (3D) models using a computer-aided design (CAD) system.
  • Programmable Logic Controllers - Learners will apply skills and understanding to develop an industrial Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) system to solve an engineering problem.
  • Manufacturing Secondary Machining Processes - Learners explore and carry out secondary machining processes to manufacture shapes by the safe removal of material.
  • Industrial Robotics - Learners will investigate the health and safety and maintenance requirements and the operation and design principles of industrial robotics. Learners will develop a program for a robot to solve an engineering-based problem.

Four GCSEs at Grades A*-C including Maths or BTEC Level 2 Certificate or Diploma in a related subject (Merit or Distinction grade) with Essential Skills.

Entry is subject to a successful interview.

Projects, coursework and an externally set examination will offer opportunities to achieve Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria. Success will be tracked though the year to form a final grade, giving UCAS points in the same way as A Level grades.

This qualification is equivalent to three A Levels and upon completion, learners can choose to progress to Higher Education (Foundation Degree or Honours Degree courses) in areas such as: Mechanical Engineering; Electrical/Electronic Engineering; Mechatronic Engineering; Computer Science; Agriculture. Alternatively, learners may wish to seek direct employment or progress to employment through the Higher Level Apprenticeship route (HLA). Common areas of employment include CAD Draughtsperson and Engineering Technician.

SWC specifically offers part-time and full-time Foundation Degrees and HLA’s in Manufacture and Mechatronics as progression routes from BTEC Level 3 Engineering with Agriculture.

SWC also offers a level 6 Honours Degree in Engineering as progression, on successful completion of the Foundation Degree.

SWC Career Builder

Students on this course will undertake the SWC Career Builder Programme.

This gives learners the opportunity to taking part in projects, solving problems for clients, site visits, masterclasses, guest speaker’s events from industry representatives and a work placement. On completion of Career Builder, students will achieve an OCN NI Level 3 Award in Employability and Professional Development Skills (8 credits & 8 UCAS points).

SWC Career Builder aims to make students employable and not just qualified.

1 Available Session

*The fees quoted are per annum and are payable for each year of the course’s duration.




Session Code

2 Year(s)


Further Education

Mode of Study


Hours per Week


Number of Weeks

Interview Required


Academic Year


Start Date

Subject to Timetable



Total Annual Fee N/A

Total Concessionary Fee N/A

Full Fee Breakdown

**Concession Fee Breakdown

Fees Payable Each Year

**Am I eligible for concessionary fees?

Discover Other Courses

Level 2

Level 2 Engineering Traineeship/Apprentice NI


Level 5

Ulster University FdEng Engineering with Specialisms (Mechatronics) HLA (Omagh Campus)


Level 6

BEng (Hons) Degree in Engineering (Top Up) (Validated by The Open University) (HLA)
