South West College offers a wide range of Further Education and Apprenticeship courses

We hope you are having an enjoyable summer. We know that for prospective students choosing the right course can be a tough decision. Your time after school is a life-changing opportunity where you learn the skills needed to make a difference in the lives of others.

Wanting to submit an application, but still undecided about your next steps?

Applications are still open. Our expert friendly team will be able to guide you through how our process works. If we can offer any assistance at all during any stage, please get in touch with us via the details below.

Tel: 028 8225 0109 or email

South West College offers a wide range of Further Education and Apprenticeship courses at our Dungannon, Enniskillen and Omagh Campuses and will be open for information and registration.

Please bring in evidence of results and identification.

A Parent's Perspective - Choosing South West College for your next step

Further Education & Apprenticeship Courses

Choose from our wide range of Further Education and Apprenticeship courses.