Captains of Industry - Retrofit to Futureproof

South West College invites you to the latest Captains of Industry event, ‘Retrofit to Futureproof.’

Our guest speaker is Caroline Ashe Brady from KORE Insulation who will introduce innovative approaches and low carbon insulation solutions to upgrade and futureproof existing buildings for optimal energy efficiency and sustainability.

The current Chairperson of the Passive House Association of Ireland, Barry McCarron, will share his firsthand experiences of retrofitting his own bungalow.

We invite you to be a part of the conversation on how best to ‘Retrofit to Futureproof’ our built environment.

  • 9.30am Registration & Tea/Coffee & Networking
  • 10.00am Welcome

John Moss, Head of Sustainability, Construction & Transport, South West College

Retrofitting to futureproof

Caroline Ashe Brady, Commercial Director, KORE Insulation

Case study: Bungalow retrofit

Barry McCarron, Chairperson of the Passive House Association of Ireland

Q & A

  • 11.30am Close

For further information on the event or any queries, please contact Paul Cairns (

Register for Captains of Industry - Retrofit to Futureproof

South West College invites you to the latest Captains of Industry event, ‘Retrofit to Futureproof.’