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Ulster University Certificate in Counselling Studies

Level 4
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Closing date for applications is 28th May 2024.

This part-time course, is awarded by Ulster University. It will introduce students to counselling theory and skills which are useful for those who wish to work effectively in a helping role with people, in a range of professional and personal contexts. Over one year of study, students undertake three core modules, each reflecting 20 credits of study at Level 4.

Modules are:

  • The Helping Relationship
  • Personal Development And Interpersonal Communication
  • Practical Application of the Helping Relationship

Teaching and learning is achieved by a blend of face to face lectures and seminars, group and individual activities as well as digital and online technology. Students will learn basic psychological and communication theory and develop a range of reflective, interpersonal, communication and counselling skills, to support them in a helping role across settings. Activities to promote self-awareness and impact on others are central and personal development is a key aspect of all three modules of the course. Successful completion of this course does not confer fitness to practice counselling, but graduates who meet the entrance requirements may progress to the Ulster University Foundation Degree in Integrative Counselling Practice which does.

Interviews for the Certificate in Omagh: TBC

Interviews planned for the Certificate in Dungannon: TBC

Interviews planned for the Certificate in Enniskillen: TBC

**Applicants are required to upload their qualifications to support their application.

Students undertake three core modules, each reflecting 20 credits of study at Level 4.

  • CMM013 The Helping Relationship
  • CMM116 Personal Development and Interpersonal Communication
  • CMM103 Practical Application of the Helping Relationship

Upon successful completion of 60 credits of study at L4, students are awarded a Certificate in Counselling Studies by Ulster University.

All tutors are qualified and experienced counsellors. This underpins the authenticity of teaching and learning activities as students engage with practitioners who understand the challenges and opportunities of the counselling or helping role. Information about the teaching team who deliver on the Certificate in Counselling can be obtained from or

  • CMM013 The Helping Relationship
  • CMM116 Personal Development And Interpersonal Communication
  • CMM103 Practical Application of the Helping Relationship

All applications must satisfy Ulster University general entrance requirements for certificate and Diploma courses.  The standard offer for this course is 5 GCSEs (Grade A, B or C) or equivalent.  Competence in written and spoken English is required and certificated evidence of GCSE English Language or accepted equivalent is required.  Level 2 Essential Skills in Communication is acceptable.

Where an applicant does not hold the formal academic requirements for entry to the programme, but can demonstrate relevant experiential learning across a range of industries, they may apply for admission through the College Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) process. In such cases, contact the Course Director for the programme who will advise further.

Candidates should note that APEL may not be used to evidence the English Language requirement (GCSE or equivalent). 

The application process involves submission of an application and completion of interview to establish suitability. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide certificated evidence of entry qualifications with their college application in order to be considered for interview. Successful completion of all components of the admission procedures contribute to the overall admission decision. Applications will be processed in the first week of June 2023, and interviews will take place on the second last week of June 2023. Where the number of places is oversubscribed, additional criteria will be used, and candidates will be called for interview by date order of application. Please note that submission of an application does not guarantee an interview, as places may fill before all applications are reviewed. Interviews are limited to 15 places per cohort. Early application and qualifications uploaded is therefore advisable.

Closing date for applications is 28th May 2024.

Assessment is 100% coursework. Students complete a range of assignments which draw on the authentic experience of students to increase their personal and professional development and reflective ability, self-awareness and practical communication skills for helping. Assignments may include personal learning records, case study and practical skills evaluations. Students have opportunities for formative feedback throughout the course.

Graduates from this Certificate course, who are interested in practicing counselling as a professional, may progress to the Foundation Degree in Integrative Counselling Practice, which is awarded by Ulster University and accredited by the BACP.  See course details for full entry requirements.

In considering progression to the Foundation Degree in Integrative Counselling Practice only, for those students without the necessary 48 UCAS points achieved through A’ Level, (which are required for entrance to the Foundation Degree), the L4 Ulster University Certificate in Counselling Studies is accepted as an alternative route for progression, since Ulster University recognise the important personal development, competencies and skills achieved on the Certificate programme. Please note that progression to the Foundation Degree also requires applicants to hold a qualification in maths, Essential Skills Level 2 Use of Number is accepted as a minimum. Contact the Course Director for information on this option.

Please note that successful completion of the Ulster University Certificate in Counselling studies is a desirable criterion for application to the Ulster University Foundation Degree in Integrative Counselling Practice and will be used for selection purposes where courses are over-subscribed.

This course will introduce students to the interpersonal and counselling theory and skills that are useful for those who wish to work effectively in a helping role with people in a range of professional and personal contexts. This part-time course, is delivered 1 day per week over two terms between September and June. Attendance is mandatory and should not be less than 90% of the course.

  • Omagh Campus: Tuesday 9.00-12.30 and Wednesday 6.00pm – 9.30pm
  • Dungannon Campus: Tuesday 6.00pm – 9.30pm
  • Enniskillen Campus: Tuesday 6:00pm – 9.30pm

Teaching and Learning is achieved through a blended approach which combines face to face lectures and seminars, individual and peer group work and seminars, digital and online resources. Students draw on personal and professional experience and there is an emphasis on practical role play and triad skills work with peers.

Please note: Triad work is an essential part of this programme in terms of skills practice, personal reflection, and assessment.

This programme will be reviewed by Ulster University in 2023/24. The review process involves updating course information, such as the programme title, curriculum content, module titles and teaching and assessment strategies. The college will endeavour to make available the most update information for this course once the review is complete.

2024/25 fees: £475

For 2024/25 fees, please refer to our Fees and Charges Policy on the SWC website

4 Available Sessions

*The fees quoted are per annum and are payable for each year of the course’s duration.




Session Code

1 Year(s)


Higher Education

Mode of Study


Hours per Week


Number of Weeks

Interview Required


Academic Year


Start Date






Total Annual Fee £475.00

Total Concessionary Fee N/A

Full Fee Breakdown

**Concession Fee Breakdown

Fees Payable Each Year

**Am I eligible for concessionary fees?




Session Code

1 Year(s)


Higher Education

Mode of Study


Hours per Week


Number of Weeks

Interview Required


Academic Year


Start Date






Total Annual Fee £475.00

Total Concessionary Fee N/A

Full Fee Breakdown

**Concession Fee Breakdown

Fees Payable Each Year

**Am I eligible for concessionary fees?




Session Code

1 Year(s)


Higher Education

Mode of Study


Hours per Week


Number of Weeks

Interview Required


Academic Year


Start Date






Total Annual Fee £475.00

Total Concessionary Fee N/A

Full Fee Breakdown

**Concession Fee Breakdown

Fees Payable Each Year

**Am I eligible for concessionary fees?




Session Code

1 Year(s)


Higher Education

Mode of Study


Hours per Week


Number of Weeks

Interview Required


Academic Year


Start Date






Total Annual Fee £475.00

Total Concessionary Fee N/A

Full Fee Breakdown

**Concession Fee Breakdown

Fees Payable Each Year

**Am I eligible for concessionary fees?

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Level 4

Ulster University Certificate in Counselling Studies


Level 5

Ulster University Foundation Degree In Integrative Counselling Practice
