Congratulating Zarema for this well-deserved recognition, Zarema’s tutor Brid Patterson, South West College said:
“Zarema is a very motivated learner and her enthusiasm for improving and developing her literacy skills in unrelenting. She is a working mother, who balances family life and the demands of two young children, their new school environment, the policies, and practicalities of starting a new life in a new country, with endless grace and determination.
“She is a highly educated woman in Ukraine, who loves learning, and has really enjoyed learning again in a safe and supportive environment. She is constantly improving herself, in all ways, and is an inspiring student to all.
“I am delighted for Zarema, she is a deserving winner of the 'learning bursary' (£1000), so generously awarded by OCN, and I know she will use it to further improve her prospects in N.I, including spending a portion of it on driving lessons!”
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