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SWC student Crowned Essential Skills Learner of the Year

05 Oct 2023

Mum, Zarema Ramazanova-Lynnyk from Dromore, studying at the South West College Omagh campus, has been recognized for her outstanding achievements, scooping the top award of ‘Essential Skills Learner of the Year’ at the recent OCN NI Learning Endeavour Awards 2023.

Zarema, originally from Ukraine, became a part-time adult learner at South West College in September 2022. She dedicated herself to studying Essential Skills and Level 2 ESOL, successfully completing both levels within the academic year. Additionally, Zarema was able to secure employment in the Administration department at Omagh Hospital. Her relentless determination and hard work ultimately paid off and she was recently awarded the top accolade at the OCN NI Learning Endeavour Awards.

Among the 20 exceptional nominees for the Essential Skills Learner of the Year award, six were shortlisted, with two individuals highly commended and awarded £500 each. Zarema, representing SWC, emerged as the winner, securing the top honour, a beautiful trophy, and a cash prize of £1000.

Congratulating Zarema for this well-deserved recognition, Zarema’s tutor Brid Patterson, South West College said:

“Zarema is a very motivated learner and her enthusiasm for improving and developing her literacy skills in unrelenting. She is a working mother, who balances family life and the demands of two young children, their new school environment, the policies, and practicalities of starting a new life in a new country, with endless grace and determination.

“She is a highly educated woman in Ukraine, who loves learning, and has really enjoyed learning again in a safe and supportive environment. She is constantly improving herself, in all ways, and is an inspiring student to all.

“I am delighted for Zarema, she is a deserving winner of the 'learning bursary' (£1000), so generously awarded by OCN, and I know she will use it to further improve her prospects in N.I, including spending a portion of it on driving lessons!”

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Essential Skills


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