South West College have recently launched their 2021/22 course listings which for the first time have been printed using Carbon Balanced Paper as part of their sustainability strategy. As a result, the College have reduced their carbon impact and balanced the equivalent of 1,118kg of carbon dioxide, which will enable The World Land Trust to protect 782 square metres of critically threatened tropical forest.
Carbon Balanced Paper is a simple way to balance the carbon emissions of office paper and printed marketing communications. It involves the average carbon impact of paper being measured and offset through the work of the World Land Trust, an international conservation charity that protects the world’s most biologically significant and threatened habitats acre by acre. World Land Trust achieve this by preserving ecologically important standing forests, under real and imminent threat of clearance, therefore locking in carbon that would otherwise be released and securing continued absorption of carbon dioxide form the atmosphere.
With over 2.5 million paper prospectuses being printed per year for careers fairs, often covering course information from many different disciplines, prospectuses are often not tailored to an individual’s specific academic interest, resulting in unnecessary paper usage. The College’s comprehensive course listing gives an overview of the unique and extensive course provision that the College has to offer on one double sided A3 guide. They will distributed via post throughout the Tyrone and Fermanagh region.
As a result of using Carbon Balanced Paper SWC can use the World Land Trust Carbon Balanced Paper logo as a mark of integrity on their printed communications. Furthermore, the College have received a World Land Trust certificate quantifying the CO2e balance and land area preserved for every print job, which they can use in their environmental reporting and marketing.
SWC’s commitment to Carbon Balanced Paper is indicative of the college’s overall commitment to renewable energy and sustainability, also evident in the new South West College Erne Campus, the first and largest educational building worldwide to achieve the highest international standard in environmental constructions – Passive House Premium rating.
You can find out more about all the courses available at South West College at the SWC website: